I ran into one of my work friends on the way home today. She told me that she has been feeling overwhelmed with work and everything else going on in her life. She said that she doesn’t know if work is serving her & feels like she is missing out on friends and other activities. I feel that. This past…



    & to be completely honest, I’d rather be anywhere else. I wander around the busy streets of Ann Arbor and notice kids rushing to class or basking in the sun in the diag or standing in line for boba or limping home from yoga. These scenes are so familiar that they take me back to the last time I lived…

  • Blogs

    i am. afraid of judgement

    i sit at a coffee shop, surrounded by strangers &, for some reason, i feel at home. very much myself. i sit in a room full of people i’ve met a couple of times. there is drinking involved, yet i still feel uncomfortable. why is this? i may be the only person who feels this way, but i am much…

  • Blogs

    i am. choosing the easiest answer

    ever heard of occam’s razor? it simply states that the simplest explanation is most likely the correct one. & i live my life by this. i’m not an over thinker. at all. so when people ask me for advice, it’s typically pretty straightforward. i was recently dm’ed asking for some dating advice. it was pretty typical; girl matches with guy…

  • Blogs

    i am. reflecting

    this semester, i’ve been thinking a lot about social media. possibly because i’m taking three classes on it – but, nevertheless, i have. i thought about the amount of time i spend posting, who i am online versus who i am in real life & so much more. i was asked to create a role for my social media self…

  • Blogs

    i am. my own person

    i met up with one of my friends the other day for coffee. he recently moved to santa monica after living and going to school in ann arbor his entire life. although he did the typical dorm & apartment thing, he always stayed close to his family, visiting them probably around once a week. to me, this sounded like the…

  • Blogs

    i am. okay with this

    i’m reading a book right now called “the top five regrets of the dying,” &, at one point, she writes about growing up being judged. something i’m pretty sure every person has experienced. i know i have. (that’s the whole reason i started this page). anyway, she pointed out that everyone who was judging her, was likely unhappy with themselves…

  • Blogs

    i am. chillin

    happy holidays! i hope yall had a great christmas (if you celebrate it). now that ive had a second to step back from the madness, i realize that christmas has lost its je ne sais quoi. its pizzaz. & i certainly did not feel in the christmas spirit. i have gotten to the age where my presents were hand picked…

  • Blogs

    i am. seeing the other

    arguing. some love it, others hate it. for me, i avoid it like the plague. i noticed the other day as my mom was scrolling through facebook, that social media has recently turned into a political battlefield, one that i don’t want to be drafted into. as mom read the tea in the comments section and reworded her reply several…

  • Blogs

    i am. not keeping up

    you ever think about how fast things change? one second barack and joe are throwing up peace signs in the oval office & the next thing you know, trump is getting impeached. its hard to keep up with, yet in some ways, it can put our lives into perspective. the things that we spend hours arguing or stressing about will…