Lately, I’ve been waiting on everything:
Waiting to clock out of work
Waiting to see my boyfriend
Waiting for class to be over
Waiting to take exams
Waiting for my coffee to brew
Waiting for savasana
Waiting to catch the next flight
Waiting to get my grades
Waiting to hear back from jobs

& I can’t keep waiting forever. Before I know it, my life will be over, and I will have spent all of it waiting around for the next thing. Never enjoying the moment I am given right now.

One of the teachers at my yoga studio always says “enjoy this moment, because this moment is your life.” She’s right. Life is more than your highlights. More than the videos you string together to a catchy song on Tiktok to show how many cool things you did this summer. It is more than when you look your best. It is more than the weekend. It is more than graduating. It is all of the boring moments in between. It is serving needy customers. It is studying for exams. It is holding chair pose.

In these moments, when the last thing you want to do is smile, I encourage you to try. Life gets boring and mundane and we have to do things we don’t want to sometimes. But that doesn’t mean those moments can’t be great too.

Next time you’re in a situation you don’t particularly care for think about what you’re learning, how you’re growing, the positives of that moment.

i am.