& so are you (well, most of you). flash back to when you were, say, 12 years old. personally, i was probably looking at myself in the mirror, wondering what i’m gonna look like if & when i move past my “ugly phase.” i would dream about the college i would attend, the friends i would make, and what i’d…

  • Blogs

    i am. afraid of judgement

    i sit at a coffee shop, surrounded by strangers &, for some reason, i feel at home. very much myself. i sit in a room full of people i’ve met a couple of times. there is drinking involved, yet i still feel uncomfortable. why is this? i may be the only person who feels this way, but i am much…

  • Blogs

    i am. choosing the easiest answer

    ever heard of occam’s razor? it simply states that the simplest explanation is most likely the correct one. & i live my life by this. i’m not an over thinker. at all. so when people ask me for advice, it’s typically pretty straightforward. i was recently dm’ed asking for some dating advice. it was pretty typical; girl matches with guy…

  • Blogs

    i am. reflecting

    this semester, i’ve been thinking a lot about social media. possibly because i’m taking three classes on it – but, nevertheless, i have. i thought about the amount of time i spend posting, who i am online versus who i am in real life & so much more. i was asked to create a role for my social media self…

  • Blogs

    i am. getting that kiss

    with new year being in two days (2020 – you better not suck), i decided that everyone that reads this deserves a new years kiss (if they want one, of course). so, i’m writing this blog to help. all you have to do is… repost and share with ten of your friends for good luck!!!!! jk hehe (i think i’m…

  • Blogs

    i am. chillin

    happy holidays! i hope yall had a great christmas (if you celebrate it). now that ive had a second to step back from the madness, i realize that christmas has lost its je ne sais quoi. its pizzaz. & i certainly did not feel in the christmas spirit. i have gotten to the age where my presents were hand picked…

  • Blogs

    i am. not keeping up

    you ever think about how fast things change? one second barack and joe are throwing up peace signs in the oval office & the next thing you know, trump is getting impeached. its hard to keep up with, yet in some ways, it can put our lives into perspective. the things that we spend hours arguing or stressing about will…

  • Blogs

    i am. rethinking

    a couple of weeks ago i applied to this really cool sounding internship for a tech startup in Kuala Lumpur. naturally, i got a rejection email after the first interview. & yes, i do believe this is another example of an “everything happens for a reason” situation (honestly, who am i to think i could live in malaysia, take a…

  • Blogs

    i am. relieving stress

    at umich at least, finals season is all about who can be the most stressed. & if you dont think you need to stress about finals, you’re stressed about not being stressed. its a hot mess that is just making us less productive in the long run. so, instead of crashing and burning & not being able to study any…

  • Blogs

    i am. unaware

    yanno when you give someone advice & they just go and do the complete opposite. like… why would you ask in the first place if you’re just going to go and do something stupid anyway? BUT WAIT! theres mOrE!more to the story that is. most of the time we are basing our advice on one side of a story. &…