
i am. smart

but not the smartest. i am pretty, but not the prettiest. i am honest, but not the most honest. i am kind, but not the kindest.

everything is relative. i will never be the most anything, so why try? it sets us up for failure & leaves us always feeling just a little dissatisfied. maybe competing with ourselves would be more productive. striving to be the best version of ourselves, not the best, overall content with the cards we were dealt.

personally, comparing myself to others was doing nothing for me except destroying my confidence. it made me focus on what i needed to improve upon, not what i already had. i was comparing my behind the scenes to someone else’s highlight reel & it was unhealthy for my mind. but i couldn’t help it. it was my heroin. i counted every calorie, compared every test score, and tracked every step to keep up with everyone around me that seemed to be thriving. but the truth is that comparing myself to others success was only making me sick mentally. i became obsessed with being the best. but not anymore.

i must remind myself that i am smart enough for me. i am pretty enough for me. i am kind enough for me (okay, maybe not when i’m hungry haha).

an added bonus – if we strive to be the best versions of ourselves, we are less likely to feel jealous of others & more likely to cheer them on when they succeed. isn’t that a better way to be? i know it is for me.