
i am. rarely bored

okay, i know there are lots of lists suggesting things to do when you’re bored, but many are kinda bland. like, take a bike ride, fly a kite, or visit a museum. sure they may be fun, but only once or twice.

i live in a fairly slow placed community (known for little kids and old people), so i’ve done most of the things on these lists. for that reason, my family often mixes things up a little (& i know we’re not the only family that does this). so instead of a top 10 list of fun things to do when you’re bored, this is a top 10 WEIRD things to do when you’re bored (hopefully you’ll be able to help me add to it). here are some of them: a dozen halo top ice cream pints and do a blind taste test (we did this with jones soda too, but you can literally use anything) a combo of seemingly unrelated food items (give the same items to each competitor) & do a ‘chopped’ competition.
3.have a ghost pepper eating contest. full disclosure: i usually just watch.
4.have a fashion show with the oddest clothes you can find at salval (salvation army). each person gets the same amount of money to spend on their “fashion.”
5.start a fake restaurant for a day and serve friends & family. we go all out with menus and table settings. (hire 5 cousins pizza for all of your catering needs (; we do grad parties, too!)
6.have an impromptu scavenger hunt. i cannot tell you how many times we’ve done this & it NEVER gets old.
7.have a walk off down your hallway as if it were a runway. tbh, my brothers and their friends kill this. ask me how? idk. a giant visqueen sheet and make a huge water slide on the biggest hill you can find (sliding down on inflatable tubes adds a little extra excitement).
9.have a drawing competition. somehow, i always lose this one.
10.celebrate a random famous person’s bday with cake. i’m obsessed with (b)abe lincoln so i celebrate yearly. (we make top hats and everything).

we laugh, we bond, we are barely ever bored. what are some of your weird boredom busters?