
i am. looking at the bright side

if there is one thing that i hate more than anything about winter is how ugly it is. the fact that michiganders can go weeks without seeing the sun drives me absolutely bonkers. I NEED THE SUN (& yes, the pun in this title is, in fact, intentional). after scrolling through plane tickets for about 20 minutes before class, and realizing that i kinda need a job or money or something in order to travel, i decided i was just going to have to change my mindset on the whole thing. there has to be some beauty SOMEWHERE. & gosh dang it, there actually is. the way the wind moves the branches on the trees and the smell in the air.

“if you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” – wayne dyer

think about it on a larger scale. you know the people who are constantly stuck seeing themselves as a victim in the game of life? maybe that person is you. if you constantly look at life as a tragedy, that seems to screw you over in every way possible, then you will continue to feel like life is out to get you. BUT IT’S NOT! the truth is, that any situation is far less important than your interpretation of it. it is a little easier said than done, but everyday you should make a conscious effort to see all of the good that life has to offer. all of the things you are blessed with. change your perspective on the things you think negatively about. i’m thinking that it might just bring a little light into your life.